Entertainment & Arts
Kistehén/Little Cow
- co-wrote song How Could You Follow Me? (EMI Music Hungary)
- translated lyrics for albums A Man in a Tree (Yonas Media) and I’m in Love with Every Lady (Eastblok Music)
- co-wrote and translated songs for album Solid Solo Songs (Brooks Kiadó), such as Hold On
Gregory Vajda
- adapted text for Capillaria from a story by Frigyes Karinthy: performance at Live Arts Exchange, Los Angeles, CA, by Timur and the Dime Museum
- adapted text for Gulliver in Faremido from a story by Frigyes Karinthy: released by BMC Records; performed by UMZE Chamber Orchestra in Pécs, Hungary; premiered by Third Angle New Music Ensemble in Portland, OR
Vilmos Gryllus
- translated lyrics for children's songs on Maszkabál cartoon DVD
The Misanthrope
- succinct, rhyming, modern English version of Molière play used as surtitles at ICA theater, London
Baltazár Theater
- translated poetry and lyrics to make surtitles for two productions
Converging Lines
- co-curated and co-hosted cross-border literary festival in Hungary; co-edited festival booklet
As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams
- performed voiceovers for composition by Péter Eötvös released by BMC Records, Hungary
- record was one of three finalists in contemporary music category, MIDEM Classical Awards 2010
- translated rhyming narrative for film's international screening at 35th Hungarian Film Week
The Wild Swans
- wrote and translated poems and lyrics for movie
The Animals
- among several texts made into short films by students at Chichester University, UK
- shown at a cinema in Chichester, and on the BBC Big Screen in Portsmouth’s Guildhall Square
The Look of Love
- provided a poem used in this stage show by St. Augustine Community Chorus, St. Augustine, FL
A Café in the Sky
- wrote and performed one scene in movie
- premiere at Uránia cinema, Budapest, hosted by New Zealand's then prime minister Helen Clark
Express FM
- short piece recited by presenter on this UK radio station
Barnes & Noble
- co-host of monthly reading series at bookstore in Vancouver, WA
The Bardroom
- co-founded this literary cabaret in Budapest
- host and resident writer for the first five years
Tea and Sympathy
- co-founder, host and resident writer at a series of events in CDFŰ café, Budapest
Featured speaker:
Lan Su Chinese Garden, Portland, OR; Wordstock festival, Portland, OR; Bowery Poetry Club, New York; 1st Wednesday Reading & Wine Tasting, Blackbird Wineshop, Portland, OR; Evenings On The Waterfront, Portland, OR; Farrago Poetry, London; Seattle Poetry Slam, Seattle, WA; New School, New York; Northern Voices, Newcastle upon Tyne; Poetry Slam Cph., Copenhagen, Denmark; Hongarije aan Zee festival, Amsterdam; Valley of Arts, Hungary; Sziget Festival, Budapest; and events in Salem, OR; Vancouver, WA;, Miskolc and Eger, Hungary: Prague, Czech Republic; Vienna, Austria
("He delighted our audience at Evenings On The Waterfront with his unique combination of charm, wit and intellect” - Scott Quick, founder, Portland Waterfront Association; “He brought a polished performance and dry humour to the proceedings” - Farrago Poetry)
Radio appearances:
Danish national radio (Denmark), Tilos Radio (Hungary), Radio Café (Hungary), Budacast (Hungary)
Books written:
Consumed, KenArnoldBooks, US [reviews]; Bald Ambition, privately published [reviews]; Angels and Astronauts, National Poetry Foundation, UK [reviews]
Books contributed to:
The Call of the Clerihew, Smokestack Books, UK; Ghost Town Poetry Volume Two, Printed Matter Vancouver, US; Ljubljana Tales, New Europe Writers, Poland; Bucharest Tales, New Europe Writers, Poland; Ghost Town Poetry, Printed Matter Vancouver, US; Heart Pour, Poet Plant Press, US; Katarzis, Summa Artium, Hungary; This Island City, Tongues and Grooves, UK; European Romanticism, Continuum, US (winner of 2010 Jean-Pierre Barricelli Book Prize); New Order, Arc Publications, UK [review]; Say Forty! Stick 'Em Up Shorty, Pooka Press, Canada; Employees Only, Poet Plant Press, US; Budapest Tales, New Europe Writers, Poland [reviews]; Tiresias's Confession, Corvina, Hungary; My Time, Poet Plant Press, US; The Poetic Principle, Mind Print, Hungary; The Book of Hopes and Dreams, Bluechrome Publishing, UK [review]; Future Welcome, DC Books, Canada; 36 Degrees of Fever, Ráday Könyvesház, Hungary; Report on the Private Support for the Arts in Hungary, Summa Artium, Hungary; Kiss and Part, Poetic Vision Press, US; Sea and Land in Poetic Harmony, Literary Taiwan Foundation, Taiwan; In Our Own Words vol. 6, MW Enterprises, US; A Fine Line, Arc Publications, UK; An Island of Sound, Harvill Press, UK; Report on the Private Sponsorship of the Arts, Summa Artium, Hungary; Dialogue Through Poetry 2003, Rattapallax Press, US; Hide and Seek, József Attila kör, Hungary; Eternal Calendar, Baltazár Theater Foundation, Hungary; In Quest of the Miracle Stag vol. 2, Atlantis-Centaur/Tertia, US/Hungary; Short Fuse, Rattapallax Press, US; The Golden Wings, Cyberwit, India
Southern Skies, Pipers’ Ash, UK; In Our Own Words vol. 3, MW Enterprises, US; Feelings of the Holidays, FOTH, US; Poetry 2000, Robson Books, UK; In Our Own Words vol. 2, MW Enterprises, US; Disasters in the Kitchen, Wendy Webb Books, UK; The Sonnet at the Millennium, Open University Shakespeare Society, UK; Ripley Poetry Association Competition anthology, UK; Poetry as a Foreign Language, White Adder Press, UK; Cantio Nocturna Peregrini Aviumque, Atlantis-Centaur/Tertia, US/Hungary; Experiment in Romanian Art since 1960, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Romania
Books copy-edited:
Esmeralda's Rainbows, Kalligram, Hungary/Slovakia
Other print credits:
The Independent ("The Weekly Poem"), The Times Literary Supplement, Literary Review, Envoi, Acumen, EL Gazette, Candelabrum, Braquemard, Iota, Modern Poetry in Translation, The News, Orbis, Poetry News, Staple, The New Writer, Outposts, Moonstone, Weyfarers, Krax, TOPS, The British East-West Journal, The Coffee House, Exile, Poetic Licence, A Groat’s Worth of Wit, Rustic Rub, Rebirth, Apostrophe, Pulsar Poetry Magazine, Understanding, Portsmouth Point, The Word, Superfluity, Phoenix New Life Poetry, A Bard Hair Day, Art Force, First Time, Isthmus, Lateral Moves, Never Bury Poetry, Pause, Peer Poetry International, Solar Voice, The Portmuthian (all UK)
The Oregonian, Gargoyle, Light Quarterly, Lan Su Chinese Garden broadside, The NeoVictorian/Cochlea, International Poetry Review, RE:AL, Troubadour, Feelings of the Heart, Lone Stars, No Agenda, Offerings (all US)
Pooka Press (three-poem broadside, Canada), VersMetró posters in metro trains (Hungary), Sputnik (Russia), The Hungarian Quarterly (Hungary), Blatt (Czech Republic), Pilvax (Hungary), Fedél Nélkül (Hungary), The Brobdingnagian Times (Ireland), Bordercrossing Berlin (Germany), Without Knocking exhibition booklet - Museum of Fine Arts (Hungary), Converging Lines festival booklet (Hungary), The Buda Hills pamphlet (Hungary), Edizioni Universum Newsletter (Italy), Poetry International festival booklets (Netherlands), Metverse Muse (India), Page Eighty Four (Belgium), The Bardroom magazine (Hungary)
Online credits:
Wanderfly, Oregon Poetic Voices, ArmaVirumque, Fusebox, TChing.com, OregonLive.com, Four and Twenty, Unlikely Stories, Feelings of the Heart, KenArnoldBooks Newsletter, Stinky.com, If music be the food of love...., Languagehat, Clevelandpoetics Yahoo! Group, Scribd (all US)
Nth Position, Brindin Press Online, Aabye’s Baby, Jacobyte Books, T.S. Review, The Clock’s Loneliness, Expose'd (all UK)
3:AM Magazine (France), Poetry International Web (Netherlands), Mokus Pokus (Hungary), Patchword (Spain), Lyrikline (Germany), International Forum for Literature and Art (Germany), Hungarian Literature Online (Hungary), Poetic Principle festival website (Hungary/Germany), Journalism Online (India), Xpatloop (Hungary), Meus Poemas Favoritos (Brazil), Maria Madalena (Brazil), Poem of the Day (Russia), Haiku Hacks (international), Bardroom.com (Hungary), LiveBudapest (Hungary), Irodalom - International Literary Forum (Hungary), lackfi-janos.hu (Hungary), tothkrisztina.hu (Hungary), Gerloblog (Hungary), Fedél Nélkül (Hungary), Phantom Verse and Free (Canada), Ars Poetica (Slovakia), Babelmatrix (Hungary), Cezar's Blog (France), Marilyn Thoughts (Romania), Memory Green (Hungary), Hunlit (Hungary), Poesía de Mujeres (Spain), Sol 2010 (Brazil)