
Contributing translator to books:
The Persecution and Murder of the European Jews by Nazi Germany 1933-1945, Walter de Gruyter (Germany); European Romanticism, Continuum (US) (winner of 2010 Jean-Pierre Barricelli Book Prize); New Order, Arc Publications (UK) [review]; Tiresias's Confession, Corvina (Hungary); Blank Map, Hungarian Consulate (China); Iný a rovnaký/L'autre et le même/Küld egy mosolyt, Literárne informačné centrum (Slovakia); 36 Degrees of Fever, Ráday Könyvesház (Hungary); A Fine Line, Arc Publications (UK); An Island of Sound, Harvill Press (UK); Hide and Seek, József Attila kör (Hungary); In Quest of the Miracle Stag vol. 2, Atlantis-Centaur/Tertia (US); Cantio Nocturna Peregrini Aviumque, Atlantis-Centaur/Tertia (US); Experiment in Post-War Romanian Literature, Paralela 45 (Romania); Experiment in Romanian Art since 1960, Soros Center for Contemporary Art (Romania); Eternal Calendar, Baltazár Theater Foundation (Hungary); Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind, Springer Nature (Switzerland).

Contributing translator to other print products:
The Independent (UK); The Times Literary Supplement (UK); Sirena (US); The British East-West Journal (UK); Modern Poetry in Translation (UK); VersMetró posters in metro trains (Hungary); The Hungarian Quarterly (Hungary); Without Knocking exhibition booklet - Museum of Fine Arts (Hungary); International Poetry Review (US); Blatt (Czech Republic); Fedél Nélkül (Hungary); Poetry International festival booklets (Netherlands); LEA - Lingue e Letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente (Italy); Hungarian Philosophical Review (Hungary); Magyar Szó (New Zealand); CEU Weekly (Hungary); Pannonhalma Archabbey exhibition catalogue (Hungary); TTR - Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction (Canada). 

Contributing translator to websites:
3:AM Magazine (France); Hungarian Literature Online (Hungary); Lyrikline (Germany); International Forum for Literature and Art (Germany); Poetic Principle festival website (Hungary/Germany); Brindin Press Online (UK); Languagehat (US); (Hungary); (Slovenia); (Hungary); (Hungary); Xpatloop (Hungary); Meus Poemas Favoritos (Brazil); Maria Madalena (Brazil); Poem of the Day (Russia); Babelmatrix (Hungary); Cezar's Blog (France); Marilyn Thoughts (Romania); Memory Green (Hungary); Hunlit (Hungary); Poesía de Mujeres (Spain); Sol 2010 (Brazil).

Contributing writer to books:
Hordtam az irhámat, Magvető (Hungary); More Bloody Clerihews, Smokestack Books (UK); The Call of the Clerihew, Smokestack Books (UK); This Island City, Tongues and Grooves (UK); The Book of Hopes and Dreams, Bluechrome Publishing (UK) [review]; Future Welcome, DC Books (Canada); Kiss and Part, Poetic Vision Press (US); Dialogue Through Poetry 2003, Rattapallax Press (US); Short Fuse, Rattapallax Press (US); Poetry 2000, Robson Books (UK); The Sonnet at the Millennium, Open University Shakespeare Society (UK); Poetry as a Foreign Language, White Adder Press (UK); Ghost Town Poetry (two volumes), Printed Matter Vancouver (US); Ljubljana Tales, New Europe Writers (Poland); Bucharest Tales, New Europe Writers (Poland); Heart Pour, Poet Plant Press (US); Say Forty! Stick 'Em Up Shorty, Pooka Press (Canada); Employees Only, Poet Plant Press (US); Budapest Tales, New Europe Writers (Poland) [reviews]; My Time, Poet Plant Press (US); The Poetic Principle, Mind Print (Hungary); Sea and Land in Poetic Harmony, Literary Taiwan Foundation (Taiwan); In Our Own Words (several volumes), MW Enterprises (US); The Golden Wings, Cyberwit (India); Southern Skies, Pipers’ Ash (UK); Feelings of the Holidays, FOTH (US); Disasters in the Kitchen, Wendy Webb Books (UK); Ripley Poetry Association Competition anthology (UK).

Sole author of books:
Consumed, KenArnoldBooks (US) [reviews]; Bald Ambition, privately published [reviews]; Angels and Astronauts, National Poetry Foundation (UK) [reviews].

Book copy-editor:
Esmeralda's Rainbows, Kalligram (Hungary/Slovakia).

Contributing writer to other print products:
The Oregonian, Gargoyle, Light Quarterly, Lan Su Chinese Garden broadside, The NeoVictorian/Cochlea, RE:AL, Troubadour, Feelings of the Heart, Lone Stars, No Agenda, Offerings (all US);
Literary Review, Acumen, Envoi, Candelabrum, Braquemard, Iota, The News, Orbis, Poetry News, Staple, The New Writer, Outposts, Moonstone, Weyfarers, Krax, TOPS, The Coffee House, Exile, Poetic Licence, A Groat’s Worth of Wit, Rustic Rub, Rebirth, Apostrophe, Pulsar Poetry Magazine, Understanding, Portsmouth Point, The Word, Superfluity, Phoenix New Life Poetry, A Bard Hair Day, Art Force, First Time, Isthmus, Lateral Moves, Never Bury Poetry, Pause, Peer Poetry International, Solar Voice, The Portmuthian (all UK);
Pooka Press (three-poem broadside, Canada); Pilvax (Hungary); The Brobdingnagian Times (Ireland); Bordercrossing Berlin (Germany); Edizioni Universum Newsletter (Italy); Metverse Muse (India); Page Eighty Four (Belgium).

Contributing writer to websites:
Oregon Poetic Voices, ArmaVirumque, Fusebox,,, Four and Twenty, Unlikely Stories, Feelings of the Heart, (all US);
Nth Position, Aabye’s Baby, Jacobyte Books, T.S. Review, The Clock’s Loneliness, Expose'd (all UK);
Mokus Pokus (Hungary); Patchword (Spain); Journalism Online (India); LiveBudapest (Hungary); Osservatorio Letterario (Italy); Magyar Online (Hungary), Litera (Hungary).

Express FM: short piece recited by presenter (UK); Danish national radio (Denmark); Tilos Radio (Hungary); Radio Café (Hungary); Budacast (Hungary).

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